Create Fabulous Meals With These Cooking Ideas

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When buying meat, choose cuts that are on the bone. Place bones in a large, heavy-duty freezer bag and place the bag inside the freezer so that it is ready when you need it.

When preparing a meal for someone who is important such as a new date or your boss, you should cook something that you are really good at making. Avoid trying to cook something new. This will allow for an easier cooking process.

If you’re preparing a salad for an event that won’t happen for some hours, do some strategic layering. Make sure that the ingredients that are the most moist are on the bottom. On the top you should place the ingredients that get too soggy or will wilt.

Potatoes such as russets, which are designed for baking, will provide the harder shell needed when you make “twice baked” potatoes or potato-skin appetizers. Thin skinned potatoes such as red potatoes are unable to hold most fillings.

Consider drying your very own tomatoes. Slice tomatoes 1/2″ thick to dry. Romas should be cut in two lengthwise. Put the sliced tomatoes onto a cooling rack, and lightly salt the cut-side. Next, the tomatoes need to spend about 10 hours in an oven set to 190 degrees. Put a cookie sheet under the rack before it goes in. Keep the tomatoes fresh by storing them in freezer bags. You can also pack dried tomatoes in a jar with fresh herbs and olive oil. Put your canned tomatoes in the fridge and be sure to use them in the next two weeks.

Use a generous amount of salt in your pasta water when making pasta. Adding salt to the water prior to cooking ensures the pasta is infused with flavor. Adding salt after the pasta is cooked will cause the flavor to not be absorbed as well.

Dark leafy vegetables are full of nutrients; however, they are difficult to clean prior to eating. The stems can be hard to remove. To make this easier, fold leaves in half along their length, then break or cut out the steam from the middle. Another way is to cut out the stem from the folded leaf with a knife. When you unfold the leaf, you will have a perfect leaf with no stem.

After you have eaten a turkey dinner, keep any leftovers of the meat. Simply chop and seal in a freezer safe container to store in the freezer. This will help the turkey to stay fresh over the next few weeks so that you can make sandwiches with the leftovers.

If you cooked with a sauce, save the leftover sauce in an ice cube tray that you can freeze. Then, at a later date, it is a simple process to reheat the cubes on your stove top in a pan. The sauce is still good after it is frozen.

As you can see, cooking can be easy. With the right techniques, creating delicious dishes for family and friends can suddenly become a breeze! Now that you have been introduced to these great tips and tricks, you just need to make the time to go and give them a try!

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