Sticking a citrus fruit in the microwave can help when you’re trying to juice it. A quick ten seconds in the microwave is all that is needed for your lemons, oranges and other fruits. Take the fruit out of the microwave and roll it on the counter to break the citrus cells inside, before cutting and juicing.
Use some of your spices after you cook. Salt and pepper are everyday seasonings, but a little garlic, ginger, or cayenne can add an interesting zest to a prepared meal. Let people choose their spices so that they do not waste your delicious food. Make these available for customization after you cook the meal, instead of adding them during cooking. This way, everyone can adjust the flavor of their meals as they please.
Leftover flavors and scents can remain on your cutting board, even after repeated washing. Mark one end, or side, of each cutting board so that you know which is which.
If you want the cooking process to be both faster and easier, prepare as much as you can ahead of time. Check the recipe you’re using to see if some preparation can be done without the partially prepared dish spoiling. It is often possible to prepare your ingredients as much as 24 hours ahead of time. Prepping before you cook can make even advanced recipes fun and accessible.
Don’t use any wine in your meals that you wouldn’t drink. If you use a kind of wine you’ve never tasted before, you may mess up the flavor of the dish you’re working on. If you want a safe bet, most liquor stores carry cooking wines.
Sauteing veggies in a bit of chicken broth is a healthy way you can prepare them. This way you’ll use less oil while still giving the veggies a nice flavor. This is a wonderful way to cook, and enjoy, your vegetables.
Does pitching moldy fruit into a trash can upset you? Would it be less wasteful to cut off the moldy sections and save the rest? Sadly half rotten fruit is something you can never really save. The mold and spoilage that you can see is only part of the problem with marginal-looking fruit; even the parts that appear pristine can be unsafe to eat.
It is a good idea to store unripened fruits in perforated plastic bags. Fruit produces ethylene gas as it ripens. If you put them in the bag with holds the air will go through the bag, and the gas will stay in, helping the fruits retain their wonderful taste.
Brine is a method that is great when cooking. In order to maximize the flavor of your poultry recipes, let your turkey, duck, chicken or goose sit in a brine solution prior to cooking.
Hot milk can transform your mashed potato recipe. Simply add this hot milk to your potatoes prior to mashing. This will result in lighter, fluffier mashed potatoes, than using cold milk. Nobody looks forward to mashed potatoes that are lumpy and bland.
Regardless of what you cook, it is always better to use fresh ingredients as opposed to those that are dried or frozen. When you use fresh ingredients you can bring out the true flavor of your food, and they can sometimes be cheaper in the end.
Soaking raw potatoes for 30 minutes prior to frying will produce the crispiest French fries. Cold water will allow the sliced potato to retain its internal fibers, meaning that they are less likely to completely break down when cooked at a high heat.
If you apply the tips you have just read, you will be able to cook much better meals. Try different sauces and spices on your foods. While you are experimenting, you might just stumble across a new favorite dish! Let your own taste buds and these ideas point you in new directions in your kitchen so that you can become one with your inner cook.
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